October 5, 2017

It’s not Valentine’s Day. We’re almost half a year away from our anniversary, and birthdays have passed. But it’s ALWAYS a good time to send little love notes to the special people in my life! I actually think about sending notes of encouragement to others pretty frequently, but I usually think of it when I’m in the middle of doing something else like driving or showering. By the time I get to my desk, I’ve forgotten all about it. One of the best ways to make it happen is to just buy a nice set of greeting cards to send! It not only sits there on your desk as a reminder to write up the cards, but also compels you to write something very meaningful and thoughtful, since you actually spent good money on the adorable cards.

When I bought a bunch of these gorgeous cards from my friend Dakota Midnyght a few years ago, I started writing down all these thoughtful notes to people with affirmations and encouragement that I had been meaning to say for years. After only thinking kind words for a long time, they finally all got written down and sent out. And it was GREAT! I’ve been meaning to do it again ever since, but again… it’s hard to remember and carve out that time.

So when Julissa sent me these adorable food pun cards, I felt like we were a matcha made in heaven. HEHE.

Ok, ok, that was their line, not mine. My artwork is never that good. But it’s so cute, isn’t it??

Yes, I like puns (what’s not to love??)! I even got this shirt as a gift for my birthday this year haha:

So I feel it is completely justified to LOVE these cards! I love food, the cards are super cute and punny and sweet, and turns out they’re FREE so why not??? Honestly, I kind of would rather pay money to get a nicer version of them on stationery, but there is something very charming in a 1995 kind of way about printing and cutting out these cards on regular computer paper. I have a feeling my daughter is not going to notice the quality of the paper. She will just see s’mores and “love” and it will make her smile!

She will also immediately ask me if we are going to make s’mores tonight. I had better get some graham crackers first.

My husband also will not mind the computer paper (especially since he’s the one who printed them up for me hehe). It’s the much-needed “sorry” message inside that he’s going to appreciate:

And I’m deciding between Rachel and Sandra, the mochi lovers in my life, for this one:

…Or I guess it would be easy to just print up another one. After all, they’re free! It’s the message inside that will be priceless ;).

There are two versions you can download- the flat card version (perfect for sweet little lunchbox notes), and the greeting card version (folds over so you can write a longer message inside). Take your pick! Either way it’ll be a latte fun.

If you enjoy food and puns berry much, then you will appreciate this longer list of cutesy lovey dovey food puns. Even as I’m skimming them, faces of friends are coming to mind and it makes me want to send them a smile! Taco ’bout a gouda list! I’m nuts about it :D. Okay, o-kale stop… (donut unsubscribe, peas)…



Seriously though, I’m a big fan of finding different ways to pour love into the ones I love, whether it’s my husband or my kids or friends. Buying or printing up cute cards is a GREAT way to get yourself to make the time to say the loving and encouraging things you’ve been meaning to say to others!

(Desperately resisting the urge to end on a pun… but I’d be TICKLED to see your food puns in the comments below :D)



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