January 19, 2015

don't answer the questionI once observed a teacher leading a large class of students. I could tell she didn’t have much experience teaching for a number of reasons, but one of the most obvious was that she kept getting derailed. A lot. She would be mid-sentence when a kid would suddenly shoot their hand in the air. It caught her off-guard with the urgency of a text message, and she took the bait every time. Even if she was working toward a main point, she allowed the hand to slice her words mid-sentence as she responded, “–Yes?”

The urgent hand waving in the air won her attention, and eventually, everyone else’s. After a series of similar interruptions, she soon lost the interest of all of the students and spent the rest of the lesson struggling to get it back (unsuccessfully). It was a disaster.

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December 15, 2014
Putting hands down

You know that exasperating thing that happens where you call on a student and they give the same answer that has just been said?

Me: What are some things we see in the sky?

Student #1: The sun!

Student #2: Planes.

Student #3: The sun!

Me: Someone already said that. Do you have another idea?

Student #3: Oh… um. PLANES!


Or when they ask you a question that you’ve literally just answered:

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